Name of the file will be same as the name of the store procedure.
Sample Code to Create Script and Save:
select N'sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext ' + name + N' " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\' + name + N'.sql' from sys.objects where type='P'
When you will execute the above command the following output will be generated based on the number of store procedure in your database:
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext User_Authenticate_sp " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\User_Authenticate_sp.sql
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext User_GetPassword_sp " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\User_GetPassword_sp.sql
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext sp_upgraddiagrams " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\sp_upgraddiagrams.sql
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext sp_helpdiagrams " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\sp_helpdiagrams.sql
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext sp_helpdiagramdefinition " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\sp_helpdiagramdefinition.sql
Save these output data into a batch file execute this batch file. this will save the store procedure script on C:\DB\sp
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