Create Script File For Each Store Procedure And Save into Seperate SQL File For Each

With the help of sqlcmd utility we can save the script of store procedure in separate file for each store procedure.

Name of the file will be same as the name of the store procedure.
Sample Code to Create Script and Save:
select N'sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext ' + name + N' " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\' + name + N'.sql' from sys.objects where type='P'

When you will execute the above command the following output will be generated based on the number of store procedure in your database:

sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext User_Authenticate_sp " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\User_Authenticate_sp.sql
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext User_GetPassword_sp " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\User_GetPassword_sp.sql
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext sp_upgraddiagrams " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\sp_upgraddiagrams.sql
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext sp_helpdiagrams " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\sp_helpdiagrams.sql
sqlcmd -U sa -P sa -S localhost -d DataBaseName -Q "exec sp_helptext sp_helpdiagramdefinition " -h-1 -k 1 >> c:\DB\sp\sp_helpdiagramdefinition.sql

Save these output data into a batch file execute this batch file. this will save the store procedure script on C:\DB\sp